OT: Go Blue

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OT: Go Blue

Postby Stream Hawk » Tue Nov 08, 2016 5:59 pm

Yep, I truly hope Hillary wins. IMO Trump is a s*** show and America will be absolutely screwed if he wins. I was on the Bernie train and now had to jump aboard with Hillary. I apologize if this offends anyone.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby Hawk Sista » Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:19 am

We will have to see. I predicted markets crashing and mushroom clouds if Trump won. A. came true. Hope it rights itself and that we NEVER see B. Good gravy!
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby RiverDog » Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:40 am

I'm staying up watching the election returns. I am stunned at the results as it looks like Trump has it all locked up, and just now, Hillary has conceded the election.

I didn't vote for Trump but I am not predicting market crashes and mushroom clouds. Although I fully expect the market to drop the day after the election as it would on any event that went opposite of expectations, it will recover in the weeks and months following the election. And as far as the mushroom clouds, those were the same concerns others had when Reagan won, that he was going to upset the Soviets and trigger a nuclear war, but the exact opposite happened: We won the cold war without firing a shot.

Clinton supporters need to step back and look at themselves in the mirror. THEY are the ones that enabled Donald Trump, not a bunch of white Confederate flag waving bigots as they'd like us to believe. Hillary was the absolute worst POTUS candidate that the Dems have put forward in my memory. Candidate ABC (Anybody But Clinton) would have beaten Trump.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby HumanCockroach » Wed Nov 09, 2016 3:09 am

Maybe, but last I checked Reagan wasn't prone to insulting anyone and everything he ran in to, actually had some political experience, and wasn't an ego maniac who literally endorsed war crimes and torture( not to mention even more offensive positions). Comparing the two isn't really equatable at best, and downright dangerous at worst...

By the way I completely agree that the DNC holds the bulk of the responsibility for the male equivalent of Kim Kardashian or Paris Hilton ( only less even keeled and presidential, mature) being the next president of the United States. Should have saw it coming. People wanted change more than anything. The DNC refused to give that to people. Honestly, I could feel it coming when Sanders continued to be run up to beg HIS majority supporters to vote Clinton, and they continued to refuse.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby RiverDog » Wed Nov 09, 2016 8:57 am

HumanCockroach wrote:Maybe, but last I checked Reagan wasn't prone to insulting anyone and everything he ran in to, actually had some political experience, and wasn't an ego maniac who literally endorsed war crimes and torture( not to mention even more offensive positions). Comparing the two isn't really equatable at best, and downright dangerous at worst...

By the way I completely agree that the DNC holds the bulk of the responsibility for the male equivalent of Kim Kardashian or Paris Hilton ( only less even keeled and presidential, mature) being the next president of the United States. Should have saw it coming. People wanted change more than anything. The DNC refused to give that to people. Honestly, I could feel it coming when Sanders continued to be run up to beg HIS majority supporters to vote Clinton, and they continued to refuse.

My point wasn't to compare Reagan to Trump, it was to demonstrate that candidates many times act much differently that their campaign rhetoric once they are elected. Trump's insults were part of his campaign but not necessarily part of his governance. Like you, I am concerned about his lack of experience and his reactionary personality, but hopefully he'll choose some solid, level headed advisors to head up his cabinet and give him good advice.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby Zorn76 » Wed Nov 09, 2016 3:56 pm

If nothing else, SNL has loads of material for their show upcoming:)

I wish Trump well. He's the elect.
Hillary's gotta have her head in hand. I also wonder if Bill ended up in hospital last night:)

One way or another, we always survive. Trump's administration members are going to have to shoulder more than the typical burden here, IMO, given that he's held no office prior to this.

I Thank Obama for his service, and wish Trump the very best moving forward.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby HumanCockroach » Wed Nov 09, 2016 4:58 pm

One way or another, we always survive.

The battle cry of every empire ever to desolve in history.... Lol.

I'm just kidding here ( kind of).

I am not necessarily interested in my kids just "surviving" but flourishing... It's a small difference perhaps, but an important one to me.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby Zorn76 » Wed Nov 09, 2016 6:52 pm

It's all good, HC.
I'm not a parent, but identity with your concerns pertaining to your kids (and others) future.

just gotta hope for the best. I was not a fan of either candidate, but we'll see how this shakes out.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby RiverDog » Thu Nov 10, 2016 2:17 am

Zorn76 wrote:If nothing else, SNL has loads of material for their show upcoming:)

I wish Trump well. He's the elect.
Hillary's gotta have her head in hand. I also wonder if Bill ended up in hospital last night:)

One way or another, we always survive. Trump's administration members are going to have to shoulder more than the typical burden here, IMO, given that he's held no office prior to this.

I Thank Obama for his service, and wish Trump the very best moving forward.

Yea, too bad that Johnny Carson isn't still around. This election would have provided him with material for years.

Your sentiments are very close to mine, Zorny. I'm going to be watching very closely at the cabinet members Trump selects.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby obiken » Thu Nov 10, 2016 7:58 am

Zorn76 wrote:It's all good, HC.
I'm not a parent, but identity with your concerns pertaining to your kids (and others) future.

just gotta hope for the best. I was not a fan of either candidate, but we'll see how this shakes out.

I hope so Zorny but gays are doomed. Gay marriage, Gays in the military, an Federal anti gay law, Muslim and Hispanic deportation. I pray I am future tripping. One gal that works in Law enforcement was afraid of being taken to a FEMA deportation camp.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby RiverDog » Thu Nov 10, 2016 9:04 am

obiken wrote:I hope so Zorny but gays are doomed. Gay marriage, Gays in the military, an Federal anti gay law, Muslim and Hispanic deportation. I pray I am future tripping. One gal that works in Law enforcement was afraid of being taken to a FEMA deportation camp.

I doubt very seriously that Trump's actions will match his campaign rhetoric. Some of the things he's been talking about, such as using religion as a means of screening immigrants, is clearly unconstitutional. Other propositions that he's suggested that are legal, such as his border wall with Mexico, wouldn't make it past his own party. He's already been backing of some of the stuff he said on the campaign trail once he secured the nomination.

People are over estimating the power that the POTUS has.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby NorthHawk » Thu Nov 10, 2016 9:33 am

Wouldn't that depend on the other levels of Gov't? With the Republicans controlling the Senate and House of Representatives the possibility of what some think of as radical actions should increase. Even though there were a bunch of politicians who refused to endorse him, the bandwagon effect is a reality early in an administration. It will be interesting to see how the votes go if and when "contentious" legislation is proposed.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby Hawk Sista » Thu Nov 10, 2016 12:05 pm

All ya'll know I am an LMNOP (or whatever they call me now - LBGTQRS) woman with the same beautiful life partner for 20+ years. My friends and I all sat slack-jawed watching the election. My adopted nieces were seriously scared. We all started wondering if we are still going to be married to our spouses in 3 years? I just feel like I was living a bubble where people were becoming more tolerant. I'm a moderate liberal. I usually don't like losing (at anything) elections to republicans. This is not that feeling. This is a scared s***less feeling that we have a bloviating idiot as president and no one to stop him from turning back the hands of time.

I have friends of every stripe. I have no problem disagreeing and loving someone anyway. This is different. I am sad and scared.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby obiken » Thu Nov 10, 2016 4:05 pm

Hawk Sista wrote:All ya'll know I am an LMNOP (or whatever they call me now - LBGTQRS) woman with the same beautiful life partner for 20+ years. My friends and I all sat slack-jawed watching the election. My adopted nieces were seriously scared. We all started wondering if we are still going to be married to our spouses in 3 years? I just feel like I was living a bubble where people were becoming more tolerant. I'm a moderate liberal. I usually don't like losing (at anything) elections to republicans. This is not that feeling. This is a scared s***less feeling that we have a bloviating idiot as president and no one to stop him from turning back the hands of time.

I have friends of every stripe. I have no problem disagreeing and loving someone anyway. This is different. I am sad and scared.

I know HS, its sad. Hillary was a lot more toxic than we thought. I still could never vote for a Trump. My best friend is a devout Christian and a Socialist, he lives in Ohio, and he said Kasich was a good man. He would have killed Hillary and then brought the nation together. I hope River is right!
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby burrrton » Thu Nov 10, 2016 4:58 pm

1. Trump can't just revoke a SCOTUS decision- SSM isn't going anywhere, nor should it.

2. I think a lot of Trump supporters are in for a surprise- Trump seems to say whatever he thinks people want to hear, and has a long past of supporting causes the modern left generally supports. I don't think he's going to be the rock-ribbed conservative some seem to think he is.

We'll see, I guess. Fingers crossed that he does what's right for the country.

I just feel like I was living a bubble where people were becoming more tolerant.

There's been a sht-ton of "tolerance for me but not for thee" the last 10 years or so and it came to a head Tuesday night, I think.


What I think we need to be worried about is the sht he *can* do unilaterally, without Congressional buy-in, like ripping up trade agreements and things like that. If he acts on those worst impulses, that'll have a real and negative effect on people's lives.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby Hawktawk » Thu Nov 10, 2016 5:00 pm

Hawk Sista wrote:All ya'll know I am an LMNOP (or whatever they call me now - LBGTQRS) woman with the same beautiful life partner for 20+ years. My friends and I all sat slack-jawed watching the election. My adopted nieces were seriously scared. We all started wondering if we are still going to be married to our spouses in 3 years? I just feel like I was living a bubble where people were becoming more tolerant. I'm a moderate liberal. I usually don't like losing (at anything) elections to republicans. This is not that feeling. This is a scared s***less feeling that we have a bloviating idiot as president and no one to stop him from turning back the hands of time.

I have friends of every stripe. I have no problem disagreeing and loving someone anyway. This is different. I am sad and scared.

Sis didn't you see Trump hugging a rainbow flag the other day? He also let Caitlin Jenner use the ladies room in Trump tower and emerge to make a short video stating "and nobody got raped".
I think you and your partner have nothing to fear unless Trump acquiesces to the hard right of his party.

As a lifelong conservative and recovering redneck I voted for Gary Johnson.Among other long held positions he was the only guy who believed in marriage equality and said so 20 years ago, unlike either Obama or Hillary in 08.

Trump the person repulses me to the point I'm dropping my party affiliation. I think Trump is a new york liberal in his heart of hearts if he even has one. He believes nothing he says.
This will be interesting and yes scary but Its a sad reminder to Democrats that it isn't a good idea clearing the decks and coronating a sickly dull policy wonk and corrupt lifetime politician just because she was a woman and a Clinton.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby Stream Hawk » Fri Nov 11, 2016 12:42 am

This has been the toughest election results of my lifetime. Every person I know is scared s**tless. Tuesday night was a blur, and Wednesday morning was harder when I had to stop my 8 year old from crying. But now it's time to rally together. The people spoke (ok the electoral college spoke) and chose a misogynist ahole, so let's try to help it work. This is the time for everyone to become more involved, or protest if that's what it takes!

It looks more and more like Hillary was an extremely flawed candidate if she could lose to this clown. She had too much baggage and was a victim of the right wing conspiracy against the Clintons. Bernie "may" have performed better but we will never know that. I truly hope that his campaign rhetoric was just that, or this country and the earth are in deep trouble.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby HumanCockroach » Fri Nov 11, 2016 1:13 am

Not a good beginning that's for sure, people seem to have been teleported back in time 60 years in the south from the looks of it, and the man isn't even in office yet. Honestly, if he was going to "act differently" then he has his entire adult life, now would be an excellent time to call a press conference and denounce the random attacks on different minorities across the US.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby RiverDog » Fri Nov 11, 2016 2:17 am

Hawk Sista wrote:All ya'll know I am an LMNOP (or whatever they call me now - LBGTQRS) woman with the same beautiful life partner for 20+ years. My friends and I all sat slack-jawed watching the election. My adopted nieces were seriously scared. We all started wondering if we are still going to be married to our spouses in 3 years? I just feel like I was living a bubble where people were becoming more tolerant. I'm a moderate liberal. I usually don't like losing (at anything) elections to republicans. This is not that feeling. This is a scared s***less feeling that we have a bloviating idiot as president and no one to stop him from turning back the hands of time.

I have friends of every stripe. I have no problem disagreeing and loving someone anyway. This is different. I am sad and scared.

I don't think you have any reason to be scared, Sis. The nation didn't suddenly turn into this bigoted, homophobic, sexist country on Nov. 8th. Trump voters voted for him for a variety of reasons. Some are scared of terrorism, some unhappy with Obama, and most of all, a lot voted for him because he wasn't Hillary Clinton. The fact that Trump won doesn't mean that the country prefers that we turn back the clock 40 or 50 years.

I didn't vote for Trump. Like Hawktawk, I voted for Gary Johnson. Had the Democrats put up Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, or any other person not named Hillary, I would have voted for them simply to keep Trump out of the White House. But I refused to be guided by this lesser of two evils concept, and chose to register a protest vote.

So please, Sis, please don't feel like you or anyone else is threatened.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby NorthHawk » Fri Nov 11, 2016 7:54 am

First of all, you're not alone, Sis.
There are a lot of people, many of which are straight that won't go along with moving back 50 years, and I wonder if Trump even thinks it'd be worth it.
I'm not sure he's the guy we think he is and maybe the poster above is right and he's a NY Liberal - or at least a closet Liberal. We have to wait to see what he does on these issues before reacting to them.

The guy who is scary is the VP-elect. Pence has a history of backwards legislation, so depending on how much power Trump gives him things might or might not change.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby burrrton » Fri Nov 11, 2016 8:53 am

Honestly, if he was going to "act differently" then he has his entire adult life, now would be an excellent time to call a press conference and denounce the random attacks on different minorities across the US.

Agree, but put on one of those stupid "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" hats and walk across the Yale or Berkeley campus.

We need people speaking out against *all* violence and tell *everybody* to calm the fck down and everything's going to be fine.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby RiverDog » Fri Nov 11, 2016 10:05 am

NorthHawk wrote:First of all, you're not alone, Sis.
There are a lot of people, many of which are straight that won't go along with moving back 50 years, and I wonder if Trump even thinks it'd be worth it.
I'm not sure he's the guy we think he is and maybe the poster above is right and he's a NY Liberal - or at least a closet Liberal. We have to wait to see what he does on these issues before reacting to them.

The guy who is scary is the VP-elect. Pence has a history of backwards legislation, so depending on how much power Trump gives him things might or might not change.

The people that are wanting to "turn back the clock" are talking about turning it back to 2008, not to 1964 or 1932. There are no calls even from the most ardent Trump supporters to overturn civil rights legislation, repeal Medicare, end Social Security, and so forth. There are a lot of people that did not like Obama's socialistic legislation and are seeking to have it overturned.

I can fully understand, and to some degree, sympathize with people like Sis that are feeling very uneasy about this new administration. Although I'm not a deeply religious person, I'm often times guided by the following prayer that I would like to take this moment to offer:

God grant me the Courage to change the things I can change, the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, and the Wisdom to tell the difference between the two.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby NorthHawk » Fri Nov 11, 2016 10:50 am

Pence and his ilk want to push those that practice "alternative lifestyles" back into the closet. It's the wild wing of the Tea Party/Evangelical right that have taken over the Republican Party.
Whether or not Trump really believes in that, I don't know but he's a bit of a chameleon in how he acts and talks in different situations. I thought I had a read on him, but I'm not sure on the social side anyway.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby HumanCockroach » Fri Nov 11, 2016 12:35 pm

I absolutely agree Burton, all violence is horrible and shouldn't be endorsed regardless of why or whom ( I wasn't trying to imply that there was none against Trump supporters)...

Nor was I implying that Trump ( or any other elected official was trying to turn back time) that said, a LOT of these attacks and racial hate crimes are indeed being perpetuated by REGULAR people against other regular people. Things like vandalizing a former NFL linebacker who woke up to the words "N#gger go back to Africa Trump!" Spraypainted all over his car or woman in Hijab having them ripped from their heads and threatened while going about their regular day, don't forget Asian Americans being followed, gay people being hospitalized, Spanish Americans being told their time is up, school children putting Spanish in tears by chanting build the wall to class mates. Anti minority flyers being posted throughout the country and schools..... It is "isolated" but growing. Not a good sign, and one that a President would attempt to get in front of and nip in the bud.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby HumanCockroach » Fri Nov 11, 2016 12:38 pm

The people that are wanting to "turn back the clock" are talking about turning it back to 2008, not to 1964 or 1932. There are no calls even from the most ardent Trump supporters to overturn civil rights legislation, repeal Medicare, end Social Security, and so forth. There are a lot of people that did not like Obama's socialistic legislation and are seeking to have it overturned

With all due respect RD I feel strongly that you missed what the "people" actually want in this regard. It's not the politicians ( though I wouldn't bet on Pence who has already stated he wants to turn back the clock to the 60's with a ton of policies in place) it's the people I'm talking about, Trump could alleviate some of that. Unfortunately, many feel his election is a free pass and endorsement to attack and persecute others, and he ultimately is the one that endorsed it with his statements during the campaign. If he really is a candidate that will be different than the platform he ran on ( insults, hate, division) now would be an excellent time to start.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby HumanCockroach » Fri Nov 11, 2016 12:46 pm

I honestly feel like I'm watching the end of the PI forum on a grander scarier scale.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby c_hawkbob » Fri Nov 11, 2016 12:53 pm

People that are wanting to turn back the clock are absolutely wanting to turn it back to the 50's, at least those hereabouts that I spend any time talking to do. They want the "good old days" when women, gays and minorities knew their place. To pretend it's otherwise, at least in this part of the country (the part that got him elected) is just fooling yourself.

Hopefully (from my perspective anyway) it won't be for long. 4 years if he's lucky enough not to get impeached before then.

Sis I cried for you reading your post. Stay strong.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby RiverDog » Fri Nov 11, 2016 3:26 pm

c_hawkbob wrote:People that are wanting to turn back the clock are absolutely wanting to turn it back to the 50's, at least those hereabouts that I spend any time talking to do. They want the "good old days" when women, gays and minorities knew their place. To pretend it's otherwise, at least in this part of the country (the part that got him elected) is just fooling yourself.

Hopefully (from my perspective anyway) it won't be for long. 4 years if he's lucky enough not to get impeached before then.

Sis I cried for you reading your post. Stay strong.

There has always been a faction of our population that want to turn the clock all the way back to pre-1964, a faction that has been shrinking ever since those times. But those people are going to vote Republican in every election anyway. They are not the ones that swayed this election.

If you look at the break down of voter demographics, the people that got Trump elected are those that voted for Obama in 2012. Trump got more Hispanics than Romney got by a wide margin. Even with Trump's threat to build a wall on the border, they didn't go to HRC like they thought they would. While Trump did poorly with blacks, they stayed home and didn't turn out for Clinton like they did for Obama, and Clinton did much poorer with younger people and people w/o a college education than was expected.

Bottom line is there wasn't this sudden titanic shift that wants to turn back the clock by 50 years or so. What happened was that the Dems put up an inferior candidate that had huge amounts of baggage that just kept giving and giving. Trump didn't win the election as much as Hillary Clinton lost it.

Impeachment is extremely unlikely with a Republican congress, but I do think it likely that he's a one term President. Although I intend to give him a fair chance and I certainly don't wish him to fail as at this point, doing so is hoping that the country fails, I'm probably looking at voting for whatever stiff the Dems put up in the next election.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby NorthHawk » Fri Nov 11, 2016 4:05 pm

The people who voted for them might not be for turning back the clock 40 years, but those in power have shown an inclination towards that, and that's what really counts.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby burrrton » Fri Nov 11, 2016 4:16 pm

NorthHawk wrote:The people who voted for them might not be for turning back the clock 40 years, but those in power have shown an inclination towards that, and that's what really counts.

Oh FFS, north. I get that you went with "inclination" for the wiggle room, but what policy has Trump advocated that would take us back to Jim Crow and such?
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby HumanCockroach » Fri Nov 11, 2016 6:06 pm

Interesting thought RD, do you have a link to those demographics? Everything I've seen has the millennials around 65 percent Clinton, 30 percent Trump, the generation X ( my generation) 55 Clinton 40 Trump and the older Generation ( baby boomers and such) as 65 Trump 30 Clinton. In essence, the older Generation overwhelmingly voted Trump over every generation. Not entirely sure if those numbers are accurate and certainly not claiming them as truth, but I've seen many, and none really back up your statements ( to be clear, it certainly doesn't make your claims wrong or inaccurate, just not what I've seen).

The thing that more than anything that disappoints me, is the DNC complete and utter lack of understanding of what the regular voter wanted. Only slightly less confusing, is 45 percent of woman voting for a guy who makes a habit of insulting them, and joking about sexual assault, and how in the world 95 percent of working class, uneducated males could ( a demographic that I proudly, or at least used to proudly, belong to). These men are my friends, brothers and some of the toughest, level headed people walking this earth. Most of us aren't particularly intelligent, at least not in a book sense, but typically we can spot a con or lie a mile away, and believe strongly in the rights which protect us all, our families, and friends.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby RiverDog » Fri Nov 11, 2016 7:00 pm

HumanCockroach wrote:Interesting thought RD, do you have a link to those demographics? Everything I've seen has the millennials around 65 percent Clinton, 30 percent Trump, the generation X ( my generation) 55 Clinton 40 Trump and the older Generation ( baby boomers and such) as 65 Trump 30 Clinton. In essence, the older Generation overwhelmingly voted Trump over every generation. Not entirely sure if those numbers are accurate and certainly not claiming them as truth, but I've seen many, and none really back up your statements ( to be clear, it certainly doesn't make your claims wrong or inaccurate, just not what I've seen).

Here ya go!

Donald Trump performed stronger among black and Hispanic voters than Mitt Romney did as the Republican nominee in 2012, according to NBC Exit Polls.

Tuesday's exit poll results have not yet been finalized but so far they show Trump outmatching Romney by two points in each voting bloc.

Trump claimed 29 percent of the Hispanic vote on Tuesday compared to Romney's 27 percent in 2012. With blacks, exit polls show Trump claimed 8 percent of the vote to the previous Republican nominee's 6 percent.

The first African American president carried 93 percent of the black vote against Romney. Clinton came in five points below him against Trump. With Hispanics, Obama garnered 71 percent support in 2012. Clinton on Tuesday claimed 65 percent.

http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/2016-e ... ls-n681386

Here's another one about the age demographic:

With Clinton performing worse among young voters than Obama, the overall difference between the preferences of the youngest and oldest voters is smaller than it was in both the 2012 and 2008 elections.

http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/20 ... education/

So like I said, there was a significant number of voters that voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012 that did not vote for Hillary in 2012, and that was the main difference in this race vs. the two most recent ones. Democrats have only themselves to blame for losing this election.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby HumanCockroach » Fri Nov 11, 2016 7:07 pm

Oh FFS, north. I get that you went with "inclination" for the wiggle room, but what policy has Trump advocated that would take us back to Jim Crow and such?

I'm with you, not sure Trump had advocated that, but ultimately it doesn't matter what Trump advocated or not does it? I mean, by running his campaign the way he did ( ie:attacking, hating, name calling minorities and women etc) he opened the flood gates for many to act on those hidden impulses. He's against roe vs wade, against sane sex marriage, transgender equality etc. That doesn't mean he supports that leap, just that by saying those things he's invited the ugliest portions of America to ACT on those feelings.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby RiverDog » Fri Nov 11, 2016 7:24 pm

HumanCockroach wrote:I'm with you, not sure Trump had advocated that, but ultimately it doesn't matter what Trump advocated or not does it? I mean, by running his campaign the way he did ( ie:attacking, hating, name calling minorities and women etc) he opened the flood gates for many to act on those hidden impulses. He's against roe vs wade, against sane sex marriage, transgender equality etc. That doesn't mean he supports that leap, just that by saying those things he's invited the ugliest portions of America to ACT on those feelings.

Agreed, which is EXACTLY why I didn't vote for him, ie his rhetoric. These riots don't really surprise me.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby curmudgeon » Fri Nov 11, 2016 8:24 pm

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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby Oly » Fri Nov 11, 2016 8:51 pm

Trump got about 850k fewer total votes than Romney, 60,933,504 to 60,072,551.

Clinton got about 5.5 million fewer votes than Obama in 2012, 60,467,601 to 65,915,795. Put another way, for every 11 people that voted for Obama, about 10 voted for Clinton. That's a lot of support to lose in elections separated by only a few percentage points in swing states.

RD is right: Trump didn't win so much as Clinton lost.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby RiverDog » Fri Nov 11, 2016 9:26 pm

Oly wrote:Trump got about 850k fewer total votes than Romney, 60,933,504 to 60,072,551.

Clinton got about 5.5 million fewer votes than Obama in 2012, 60,467,601 to 65,915,795. Put another way, for every 11 people that voted for Obama, about 10 voted for Clinton. That's a lot of support to lose in elections separated by only a few percentage points in swing states.

RD is right: Trump didn't win so much as Clinton lost.

Exactly. Voter turnout was at it's lowest in 20 years. The hard core left and right will always turn out, so when the moderates get fed up and stay home as they did in this election, it gives an opportunity for a freak like Trump to win.

While Trump managed to gain an electoral college victory, not only did he get fewer votes than Hillary Clinton — a fact that, remarkably, seems to merit nothing more than a footnote in almost every discussion of the election — he got fewer votes than Mitt Romney in 2012, fewer votes than John McCain in 2008, and fewer votes than George W. Bush in 2004. In total, fewer than 26 percent of eligible American voters cast their ballots for the man who will occupy the Oval Office come January.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/pl ... t-plunged/
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby MackStrongIsMyHero » Sat Nov 12, 2016 1:43 am

I thought this was an interesting video.


I agree with RD, and this video illustrates the point. he's not the first one to mention this. Both Micheal Moore and Bernie Sanders have talked about essentially the same thing.
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby jshawaii22 » Sat Nov 12, 2016 2:52 am

While the country, including this Forum seems to be fixated on his "image" and the bad personal conduct issues that seems to run from outright jerk to white terrorist to just about any liberal anti-cause, there is another side of The Donald being elected that most media are ignoring. Just a reminder of what a "Republican" means now that they control both houses of Congress.

If you are a business owner, expect lower taxes and a continuation of Section 179, the wealth builder in the tax codes.

If you are business owner who has employees, health care costs will probably go down over the next 4 years as "Obamacare" is ripped up.

He is dramatically anti-union (just ask the employees of his hotels) and although the Republican Party itself may not agree, he will push every anti-union bill he can. Funny that the Rust Belt was one of his biggest supporters, but Mrs Clinton just doesn't appeal to the blue collar working class.

If you have Capital Gains or want to sell a rental house or business, your tax will be lower with Trump in office and/or are looking at dying soon, I will guarantee he will push for the extensions of the large exemptions to the death taxes, like all good Republicans want.

If you are in favor of lower gas and other prices, the Republicans are set to pass the pipeline bill, opening up more drilling in the Artic and Oceans and other 'business' advantages that have been on hold for at least 8 years.

If you worry about Global Warming, you won't be happy to hear that one of the things The Donald promised is to wipe out all the 2020 Federal Emissions requirements for coal and oil burning and the continued destruction of our mountains that happen to be sitting on coal deposits. What Greenhouse effect?

Not sure what the outcome with Mexico will be, but it won't be pretty to start and I see him going into adding large tariffs against China, Japan, SE Asia and just about everywhere Walmart buys it's goods from.

If you are on Welfare, Food Stamps, or other of the myriad of free handout from Uncle Sam, get set to lose it much sooner with Trump in office. Unemployment benefits will be limited or cut.

If you are involved with Planned Parenthood, you're about to lose your funding, as I'm sure many other liberal benefit societies will.

if you believe in the Supreme Court, it's about to be turned conservative again. Possibly to have 2 - 3 retirements including the ultra liberal, Ms. Bader in the next few years.

If you are a member of the NRA, you're still rejoicing.

Personally, he wasn't my choice due to his anti-Jewish statements. Hits me hard. Maybe his kids will keep him in-line. Yeah, right...
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Re: OT: Go Blue

Postby NorthHawk » Sat Nov 12, 2016 9:15 am

Oh FFS, north. I get that you went with "inclination" for the wiggle room, but what policy has Trump advocated that would take us back to Jim Crow and such?

It's not just about Trump now, it's about who he has as advisors and who he picks for the various Cabinet posts. That's what I meant by those in power as they will wield great influence or maybe be given long or short leashes.
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